Support Live or Sync Option for Workflows

A setting is added to the warehouse management app that supports live or enables auto sync options for products, orders, etc. The sync functions that used to happen manually by clicking on buttons Sync Products from Back-Office, Sync Orders from Back-Office, Sync Order and Product Updates to Back-Office, Sync Inventory Updates to Back-Office can now be done automatically with this Sync From/To BackOffice option in Settings.

Let's understand how this Setting works:

After logging in to your warehouse management app, go to Settings.

  • In Settings, scroll down to Sync From/To BackOfficeoption. You'll see by default, it is set to Offline which means there will be no changes to the current workflow.

  • Click on this setting option
  • Select Online from the dropdown and then click on Done.

  • When you go back to the Home Page or log out and then log in, you'll see the sync from the back office runs automatically for the products and orders.

Similarly, for the rest of the workflows in the warehouse app, Sync to BackOffice runs automatically when a workflow operation is complete. For workflows like Cycle Count, Pick-Pack-Ship, Receive, Stock Adjustment, and Add New Picture - auto-sync takes place after clicking on the Done button. For Stock Transfer by clicking on the Transfer button and for Add New Product -> on Completion of New Product Wizard -> clicking on the Finish button will auto-sync to the back office.

  • Pick-Pack-Ship Workflow example:

  • Stock Transfer Workflow example: