New Line Item Coupons Support Added

Now you can add discount at the product level in POS. The Line Items Coupons will allow you to select a different discount (only available for that specific product) for each product individually.

To enable this feature:

  • Go to Settings -> Channels -> edit POS Channel

  • Now, go to Configuration -> Allow Line Item Coupons.
  • Enable it to Yes.

  • Once enabled, log in to your Retail POS channel.
  • The POS line Item will include a new button for coupon selection at line item level.

Clicking on it will pop up a window where you can select the Discount Coupon from the dropdown list. The list will contain coupons only related to that particular product.

  • After selecting the coupon, click on OK.

Now you can see, the discount added for the line item.