TapMango Setup Items

  • Add API Role in Users and generate API Key – this should be then added to the Agiliron POS
    Configuration (pos_tapMango_config – webhook).

  • Ask TapMango Support to add a “Generic POS” integration
    • Without this, the API call will return
        "type": "system_error",
         "message": "No integration setup found for the merchant"
  • Ask TapMango Support to RegisterIDs with TapMango Devices (Agiliron POS Webhook needs
    to be updated accordingly)
    • Without this, the API call will return
    "type": "system_error",
    "message": "No device found for register 10412"

Example Register ID format is - Lane_StoreID, below are examples:

  • Store1 TapMango RegisterIDs -
    1_17684 (for Device ID 2db9fcf303d1bcca)
    2_17684 (for Device ID g748a12165f781c7)

  • Store2 TapMango RegisterIDs -
    1_17685 (for Device ID 41c9fk0c5bf1966f)
    2_17685 (for Device ID 538aua00941e8651)