Picking Orders
This section will demonstrate how to pick customer orders for fulfillment.
You can control which products appear in the app for picking by editing the custom view "WH App Shipping" in the Agiliron back office.
- Navigate to Shipping & Receiving -> Shipping in the back office.
- Select the drop-down icon next to "View" and select WH App Shipping.

- Once done, login to the warehouse app and click the "Pick-Pack-Ship" button to view the orders.

Select an order from the list.
- The user can search for an order by Account Name or Order Number.
- The Channel Order ID is displayed for the order to identify the sales channel in which it originated.
- The navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen allow for searching through multiple pages of customer orders.
- The app also supports the screen swipe function. The screen will move left and right depending on the direction you swipe.
- When selecting an order, line item notes for each line item in the order is also displayed (adds another line "Notes: ....." in the "Product" column) on the screen where you display Products (this could be when you click into the order OR when you Group by Bin/Sku).
- Selecting Group By Bin allows for grouping of products by bin location.
- Selecting Group By Sku allows for grouping of products by sku code.
- If the Scan Units is enabled, when you select any Product Id, you will see a '+', '-' under Qty Picked column. It signifies that you can scan the product by barcode scanner. As soon as you scan the product barcode, the quantity will increase by 1. You can increase or decrease the quantity with the respective + and - sign.
- There is also an additional camera icon. In case if you don't have a barcode scanner, you can scan the product barcode also using your camera. Just click on the camera icon and scan the barcode.
Select an order from the list to begin picking orders. (Here the Scan Unit is disabled).
Select the quantity from the drop-down list. Add Notes, if any. You can also Add images and Signature (Please refer to Add Optional Picture and Add Signature to know the complete process).
- To print the Packing Slip, select the Print Slip button.
- The Packing Slip template is picked up from "Settings > Templates" in the back office.
- To send the order to ShipStation, select the "To ShipStation" button.
- This option sends the order to ShipStation for creating/printing shipping labels.
For Serialized/Lot Tracked products, enter the Serial/Lot Number when prompted.
- Select the appropriate quantity from the drop down list.
- Select the "Pick" button to record the quantity.

Through the warehouse management app, you can also ship the products.
- When the scan units toggle is disabled and when you select any product, you can see a Pick button.
- Clicking on the Pick button, the items/products will move to ship station.
When line items are picked fully and when you click on Mark Shipped button, a dialog will pop-up where you need to fill all the necessary information.
Mark Shipped allows you to mark an Order as Shipped as applicable. This will then set the Order as Shipped in BackOffice on next sync of the Warehouse App to the BackOffice.
After clicking on Save when you see the Status - Ship icon turns green.
- When you send the orders to ship station, you'll see a pop-up saying all the items were shipped successfully.
- When you click on the Back button, you'll see a watermark - "Already Shipped", on the order which you had picked.
Note - This gives an idea to the users which orders are already shipped and which are only updated.
- Select "Done" to return to the home screen.
Go back to the home page and select "Sync Order & Product Updates to Back-Office" to update all changes.

Updated about 2 months ago