Channel Management

In This Chapter - Channel Management capabilities is available through the "Channels" tab as shown below. This modules shows the latest status in each of the sales channels (except the Direct Sales through the CRM channel - this uses the product and inventory in the Agiliron Back-Office and hence do not require channel management and deployment of products to them) that have been setup for the business.

Each Channel is displayed separately in a sub-tab.

  • The Retail POS channel, the sub-tab for that channel just displays the Stock Location and PriceBook associated with the Channel (as setup in "Settings > Channels") - all the products at that Stock Location and specified in the associated PriceBook are automatically available for sale in the POS Channel.
  • The WebStore channels (Agiliron B2C/B2B Webstores or Remote WebStores) sub-tabs and the Amazon Channel sub-tab displays status that includes the products deployed to the channel and the parameters used.
  • The eBay channel displays all current listings and their realtime status is displayed as covered in the earlier chapter (Real-time Dashboard for Listings, Bids, Status).