Fulfillment via ShipStation

To Process Shipments using ShipStation, first please complete the steps outlined in ShipStation.

Once the ShipStation setup is complete, you are ready to Process Shipments using ShipStation by following the steps below:

To enter the shipping information for multiple orders follow the steps outlined below:

  • Go to the "Shipping & Receiving" tab.
  • Select the orders that are being shipped (left checkbox).
  • Select "ShipStation" from the "Ship via" menu drop-down and Click the "Process..." button.
  • Note: For Shipping Serialized/Lot products, the Serial Number/Lot Number will need to be entered into the Sales Order prior to sending them to ShipStation to allow for accurate inventory tracking on fulfillment, this should be done through the process described in Section Fulfillment.

  • This will bring up a screen with the selected orders and fields to enter the shipping information (Carrier, Method). Select the information in the fields and then click the "Send To ShipStation" button.

  • Click "OK" to process.

If you login to the ShipStation account, you will now find the orders sent from Agiliron to ShipStation under the "Orders > Awaiting Shipment" section.

If you click on the "Order #" link, you can see the details of the order sent from Agiliron to ShipStation.

  • The "Order Items" panel will include the "Product Code" from Agiliron in “SKU” field - the "Product Name", Bar Code", "Bin Location", and "Notes" from Agiliron are also included.
  • Matrix Item details (Size, Color etc.) is also included in the Product (SKU info) format.
  • Multi-line addresses in Agiliron Address fields are rendered into the multiple Address fields in ShipStation.
  • The "Custom Field 1" field will include the originating sales "Channel" from the Sales Order in Agiliron - e.g. "eBay" in the example below.
  • The "Custom Field 2" field will include the originating Sales Channel Order ID from the Sales Order in Agiliron.

From there, the orders can be selected and Shipped in ShipStation.

  • Edit the shipping fields in the "Shipping Info" section, then click the "Create Label" button to create the shipping label.

Once the Order is Shipped in ShipStation (Shipping Label Generated), the "Ship Date", "Tracking Number", "Shipping Cost" are automatically captured back into Agiliron and the Order marked as "Shipped".

This also triggers the "Shipped" notification (if turned "On" in "Settings > Notification Schedulers") and the "Ship Date" and "Tracking Information" is communicated to the originating Sales Channel of the order so it available in the customer's account in that channel.

ShipStation Mapping Guide

The field mapping guide from Agiliron to ShipStation can be found below.