Quote Form Fields
The Quote definition form contains many pre-defined fields organized in to various buckets, the list of fields (from top to bottom of the form) and their intended use is detailed below - all fields marked with a * are mandatory, the rest are optional.
Quote Information
- Subject*
- Enter text or name to recognize this quote - this could be the company name, source sales channel, product description - whatever methodology makes the most sense for your business. e.g. "Company Inc. - Sweaters Quote".
- Potential Name
- Select a potential if the intended recipient of the Quote is a Potential customer
- Quote Stage
- Select a stage for the Quote and manage the status as it progresses. The list is populated from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Quote Picklist" and can be customized there.
- Customer No
- Customer PO number or other Identifier (if any)
- Valid Till
- Enter a date that the Quote expires
- Account Name*
- Select an Customer Account
- This field supports auto-complete.
- Contact Name
- Select a Customer Contact - this list is filtered based on the selected "Account Name"
- This field supports auto-complete.
- Team
- Enter a team or department name at the customer
- Assigned To
- Assign the Quote to a user at your company, by default the user creating the Quote is selected.
- Default Price Book
- Select the PriceBook that will be used for this customer - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Sales Order
- This is a non-editable field and is automatically filled in with a reference to a Sales Order once the Quote is converted to a Sales Order after the customer agrees to the sale.
- Default Currency
- Automatically populates if default currency is selected in Customer Account, otherwise can be selected for the Quote. Note: the Default Currency here and the currency in the selected PriceBook for the order must match.
- Exchange Rate
- Displays the rates entered for the Default Currency selection or can be manually entered when creating the Quote.
Shipping Information
- Carrier*
- Select a Shipping Carrier that will be used - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
Shipping Method
- Select a Shipping Method for the selected Shipping Carrier - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Deliver From*
- Select the Stock Location from which the product will be shipped - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
Address Information
- Bill To, Ship To
- Enter the name of the contact - this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" and "Contact Name" fields are selected or can be edited here
- Billing Address*, City, State, Code, Country
- Enter the Billing Address of the customer
- Shipping Address*, City, State, Code, Country
- Enter the Shipping Address of the customer
- Use this button to copy the "Billing Address" to the "Shipping Address"
- Use this button to copy the "Shipping Address" to the "Billing Address"
Product Information
- Product*
- Select the product by clicking the magnifying glass icon and selecting the product in the dialog that comes up OR
- Begin typing the name or product code of the product and the text field will display a drop-down with products that starts with the partially typed name or product code. Select a product from the drop-down list. As you continue to type the list will refine further filtering the list based on the typed text.
- This field supports auto-complete.
- Notes
- Enter any Notes necessary to be included for this product line item using this text area field.
- Qty in Stock
- Displays the inventory Quantity in Stock for the selected product (at the selected "Deliver From" location above).
- Qty on Order (PO|SO)
- Displays the inventory Quantity on Order (PO - purchases awaiting receiving from vendor, SO - sales orders waiting to be shipped) for the selected product (at the selected "Deliver From" location above).
- Qty*
- Qty of Selected product to be included in this quote.
- Unit Cost
- Displays the Unit Cost of the selected product (from "Unit Cost" field in Product definition).
- List Price*
- Displays the price from the selected "Default Pricebook" for the selected product
- Discount (line item)
- Enter a discount on this product for this quote - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Total
- Displays the Total amount quoted to the customer for the product
- Discount (order)
- Enter a order discount (applied to the entire order).
- Sub Total
- Displays the order sub total after discounts.
- Shipping
- Enter Shipping cost charged to customer for this quote.
- Taxes
- Select the Tax Authority - the sales tax is then automatically calculated based on the tax rate for that Tax Authority. This drop-down list is populated from "Settings > Tax Authority" and the list can be setup there based on the tax jurisdictions that are relevant to your business.
- If using Auto Sales Tax Rates Providers and the connection to your Account there has been setup, please select "Auto-Calculated Avalara" from the drop-down and let the system generate the Sales Tax automatically.
- Grand Total
- The final Quote total to customer including shipping and taxes.
Terms and Conditions
- Specify any terms and conditions of sale here - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Enter any other additional information that should be captured for this quote.
Updated 16 days ago