Contact Form Fields
The contact definition form contains many pre-defined fields organized in to various buckets, the list of fields (from top to bottom of the form) and their intended use is detailed below - all fields marked with a * are mandatory, the rest are optional.
Contact Information
- First Name
- Enter the Contact First Name
- Last Name*
- Enter the Contact Last Name
- Account Name
- Select the "Account" associated with this contact (the Account that this contact belongs to).
- Vendor Name
- Select the "Vendor" associated with this contact (the Vendor that this contact belongs to).
- A contact can be associated with a customer account or a vendor account or both.
- Type
- Select a Contact Type. This drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Contact Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- Title
- Enter a business title for the contact
- Enter the contact email address
- Assistant
- Enter an Assistant name that supports this Contact and can be an alternate contact
- Assistant Phone
- Enter the phone number for the Assistant
- Email Opt Out
- Check if this customer has opted out of receiving email
- Note: The system does not automatically filter emails to customers with this check. However, you can set up custom views to filter out these customers.
- Lead Source
- Select the lead source for this contact. This drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Contact Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- Contact Profile
- Multi-Select Picklist ( "Ctrl-Click" to select more than one) with the Profile of the Contact - e.g. Buyer, Billing, Manager, etc. This drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Contact Picklist". The default options are "--None--", "Buyer", "Manager", "Billing", "Other"
- Office Phone
- Enter the Office phone number for the contact
- Mobile
- Enter the Mobile phone number of the contact
- Home Phone
- Enter the Home phone number of the contact
- Phone
- Enter the default phone number for the contact
- Fax
- Enter the fax phone number for the contact
- Department
- Enter the department for the contact
- Reports To
- Select a contact that this contact reports to
- Yahoo Id
- Enter the Yahoo Id
- Do Not Call
- Check if this customer has requested not to be called.
- Assigned To*
- Select the user at your business that is assigned to this contact
- Birthdate
- Enter the birthdate of the contact.
Restricted Channel Access
- The system supports a mechanism to automatically create accounts for B2B customer contacts in B2B WebStores. Here you can select if the contact is a B2B customer contact and which B2B WebStore channel you want to enable an account for them on. This automatically creates an account on the selected B2B WebStore and an email can be sent to the contact from the Agiliron system with a contact-specific URL link where they will have to select a password but the rest of the customer information is automatically populated from the customer information already in the system.
- B2B Customer
- Check if B2B customer
- Support State Date/End Date
- Enter dates to support this customer
Select Channels
- Select channels where an account should be automatically created for this customer.
Address Information
- Mailing Address, Mailing City, Mailing State, Mailing Zip, Mailing Country
- Enter Mailing address
- Other Address, Other City, Other State, Other Zip, Other Country
- Enter Alternate address
>> Copy the Mailing Address to Other Address
<< Copy Other Address to Mailing Address
- Enter any other Description relevant to this Account.
Updated 9 months ago