Picking Orders - Add Image and Add Signature
While picking orders in the warehouse management app, you can add one or more pictures related to the particular product along with your signature.
- When you select Picking workflow

- Click on the necessary order and then the product.

- Additionally, along with entering quantity and notes, you can add one or more product images and signature.
Note - Add Image and Add Signature features are also available when you group products by Bin or SKU.
Add Picture
- To add pictures, click on the Add Image button.
- You can either select Gallery option - to pick image from your device.
- Select open camera option - to click an image using your device camera and upload.

You can add multiple images, by clicking on Add Image again.
Add Signature
- Similar to add image, you will find a button to Add Signature, click on it.

- Draw the signature
- Enter the name of the signee
- If it's final, click on Save or click on Clear and draw again.

- Once the images and signature are added, click on Pick button.

- Click on Done.
- Then again click on Done and return to home screen.

- Now on the home screen, you need to click on Sync Order & Updates to BackOffice to update the pictures in back office.

- In your backoffice, go to Orders -> Sales Orders and then click on respective order ID.

- Next, click on Attachments.

Here you can see the images and signature added as attachments.

When you click on the image, the image gets downloaded. It is the same image added in the warehouse management app. It's similar for the signature.
Updated 2 months ago