Reset User Password

For Admin (Users with Administrator privileges) User:

  • Go to your Agiliron system URL -
  • Enter the Admin username ( "admin" or other)
  • Click on the "Forgotten Password" link below the login box
  • This will bring up a dialog asking the user to enter the admin email address, please enter your email address here. This email address must match the email address for this account in the Agiliron system.
  • A new password is automatically emailed to the admin user's email address. If the user account was deactivated due to too many incorrect user logins, this will reactivate the user account.
  • Log in to Agiliron with the new password.
  • When the admin user logs in with the new password, the system will request the user to change the password and assign a new user-selected password. The system requirements for a password are as follows:
  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long
  • Passwords must include at least one number
  • Passwords must include at least one lowercase and one uppercase character
  • Passwords must include at least one special character (e.g. $, %, *)
  • The New Password cannot be the same as your last 5 passwords

For All Other Users:

  • If you are not an admin user, please contact an administrator to reset your password.
  • If you are an admin user, please follow the steps below.
  • Settings > Users > Select User > Reset Password
  • A new password is automatically emailed to the user's email address specified in the user account. If the user account was deactivated due to too many incorrect user logins, this will reactivate the user account.
  • When the user logs in with the new password, the system will request the user to change the password and assign a new user selected password. The system requirements for a password are as follows:
  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long
  • Passwords must include at least one number
  • Passwords must include at least one lowercase and one uppercase character
  • Passwords must include at least one special character (e.g. $, %, *)
  • The New Password cannot be the same as your last 5 passwords