Editing the Channel and Completing Channel Setup

Once the Amazon Marketplace channel has been setup and communication established as described in the above sections, it is necessary to map the Shipping, Payment and Sales tax methods that have been defined in Amazon to equivalent methods in Agiliron to ensure that orders coming in from Amazon Marketplace are interpreted and captured appropriately.

Go to "Settings > Channels" and click on the "edit all" icon for the Amazon Marketplace channel that has been created as shown below.


On the Amazon Marketplace Seller Account:

  • The Shipping Settings can be found under:
  • "Settings Menu Tab > Shipping Settings"
  • The Payment Method is the Amazon Marketplace Payments made directly to your Bank Account at defined frequency:
  • "Settings Menu Tab > Account Info > Deposit Method"
  • The Sales Tax Settings can be found under:
  • "Settings Menu Tab > Tax Settings" (requires Pro Merchant Amazon Seller subscription)

On editing the channel, the configuration screen comes up as shown below - the top half of the screen is exactly as was defined during the channel creation.

The bottom half of the screen now shows the "Shipping", "Payment" and "Taxes" sub-tabs for mapping of the equivalent methods from the Amazon Marketplace to Agiliron. Agiliron pulls the global list of options from Amazon Marketplace found above and displays them on the left.

In each of these cases, for each method defined in Amazon on the left, select the equivalent method in Agiliron from the drop-down menu alongside on the right. As orders come in from this Amazon Marketplace Seller Account, the orders are captured into Agiliron in keeping with this mapping. Only the methods that are being enabled and used in the Amazon Marketplace need to be mapped here, the rest can be left blank. (e.g. if you only offer "Standard" as the Shipping Method, then only that Shipping Method needs to be mapped in Agiliron).

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Note that the Taxes tab contains a selection for "All Other Regions". This allows mapping for international orders and other jurisdictions outside of the state specific mappings.