Payment Details

The Payment section enables the user(s) to use the payment methods below. Once the payment method has been selected and there is no balance due on the order, the user can select the "Checkout" button at the bottom of the screen to process the sale.


This option enables paying for the order by cash.
To pay by Cash

  1. Click icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:


This option enables paying for the order by check.
To pay by Check

  1. Click the Check icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:

  1. To enter the Check number, click the Chk#/Credit Card #/PO# column corresponding to the payment and enter the Check Number as shown below.

Credit / Debit (Visa, Master Card, AMEX) Card

If a credit card swiper is used when the cursor is in the Product text field, the system will automatically detect the card type and fill in all the required fields (this is the recommended process).

If manually entering credit card information, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click the required card icon - The following information is displayed:
  2. To enter the card number, click the Chk#/Credit Card #/PO# column and type in the number on the card.

  1. Enter the expiry date of the card in the Expires column. The format must be entered as MM/YYYY as shown below otherwise the card will not process.

Other Card

This option enables processing other credit cards not listed above (Discover, Diners Club, etc).

To pay by Other Card

  1. Click the icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:
  2. Enter the card type in the Card Type field.
  3. Click OK. The following window is displayed:

  1. To enter the card number, click the Chk#/Credit Card #/PO# column and type in the number on the card.
  2. Enter the expiry date of the card in the Expires column. The format must be entered as MM/YYYY.

Offline Credit Card

This option enables the user to capture the sale but process the credit card "offline" using the processor of their choice.

To pay by Offline Credit Card

  1. Select the icon matching the sale type (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Other, etc). The following information is displayed:
  2. Select the "Checkout" button to process the sale. The credit card number and expiry date are not required to capture the sale (since the card is not being processed through Agiliron).


This option enables the user to capture the sale and create a receivable on the customer's account. Please note: a customer name must be selected/created in order to use this payment method.

To pay using the Customer Account

  1. Click the Account icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:

  1. Select the "Checkout" button to process the sale.MM/YYYY and create the receivable balance.
  2. In the back office, the customer's account should now display the new account balance based on the sale.

Apply Credit

This option enables the user to apply an existing credit on the customer's account to the sale. Please note: a customer name must be selected in order use this payment method.

To pay using Apply Credits

  1. Click the icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:

  1. If there is a credit balance on the account, select the amount to apply towards the sales order, then select "Checkout" to complete the order.

Purchase Order

This option enables the user to accept a Purchase Order as payment on the customer account. This in turn also creates a receivable that will be invoiced to the customer at a later date. Please note: a customer name must be selected in order use this payment method.

To pay using a Purchase Order

  1. Click the PO icon from the Payment section. The following information is displayed:

  1. Click the Chk#/Credit Card #/PO# column and type in the Purchase Order Number provided by the customer.

In the back office, the customer's account should now display the new account balance based on the sale.