
MercuryPay is one of the payment processors that can be used to process credit card payments in the Agiliron POS.

  1. Once the Credit Card - MercuryPay checkbox is selected, the MercuryPay tab is selected.

  1. Click MercuryPay tab. The following page is displayed.

  1. Select Yes from the Enable Mercury Payment Services dropdown list.
  2. Select the required connection mode from the Connection Mode dropdown list.
  • Test - This is used for the purpose of training. You can use Merchant ID 023358150511666 and Merchant Password xyz in this test mode. All transactions processed in this mode is NOT charged to the Credit Card used OR deposited in your MercuryPay account.
  • A test Credit Card Number that can be used for Training purposes are below -
  • Visa - 4005550000000480
  • Exp Date - 12/2015
  • CVV - 123
  • Any Name and Address
  • Live - This is used for processing live transactions. A Merchant ID and MercuryPay Web Services Merchant Password is required for processing transactions.
  1. Enter the merchant ID in the MercuryPay Merchant ID field. This is the Merchant ID that identifies your MercuryPay account and allows Agiliron to process transactions through it.
  2. Enter the merchant password in the MercuryPay Merchant Password field. This validates your MercuryPay account and allows Agiliron to process transactions through it.
  3. Please contact your MercuryPay representative to obtain the above credentials.
  4. If you do not have a MercuryPay account and would like to set up a New MercuryPay Account,
  5. Click Setup New MercuryPay Account