Sales Order Form Fields
The Sales Order definition form contains many pre-defined fields organized in to various buckets, the list of fields (from top to bottom of the form) and their intended use is detailed below - all fields marked with a * are mandatory, the rest are optional.
Sales Order Information
- Enter text or name to recognize this quote - this could be the company name, source sales channel, product description - whatever methodology makes the most sense for your business. e.g. "Company Inc. - Sweaters Order".
- Potential Name
- Select a potential if the intended recipient of the Order is a Potential customer.
- Customer No
- Customer PO number or other Identifier (if any).
- Quote Name
- Reference to Quote that is the source of this Sales Order.
- Account Name*
- Select an Customer Account. This field supports auto-complete.
- Contact Name
- Select a Customer Contact - this list is filtered on the selected "Account Name" .This field supports auto-complete.
- Pending
- If this Sales Order is pending for any reason you may note that here.
- Sales Commission
- Enter any sales commission associated with this order. Note: This field does not calculate commission on an order
- Assigned To
- Assign the Sales Order to a user at your company, by default the user creating the Order is selected.
- Due Date
- Enter the date that the order is due to customer.
- Priority
- Turn on under "Settings > Default Organization Fields Access > Sales Orders".
- Single-Select PickList for Priority of Order. The drop-down list populates from "Settings > PickList Settings > Edit Sales Order PickList" and can be customized there. The default options are "--None--", "Standard", "Priority".
- Type
- Turn on under "Settings > Default Organization Fields Access > Sales Orders".
- Single-Select PickList for categorizing Type of Order. The drop-down list populates from "Settings > PickList Settings > Edit Sales Order PickList" . The default options are "--None--", "ASAP", "Pre-Season", "Closeout" .
- Call Date
- Turn on under "Settings > Default Organization Fields Access > Sales Orders".
- Date to call customer, automatically set to 15 days before "Due Date" . It is empty until a "Due Date" is selected.
- Invoice Number
- Automatically assigned when "Create Invoice" button is clicked on a Sales Order. This can also be edited and changed or set to a specific number during Order creation.
- Additional Fees
- Record any additional fees that will be incurred by the business on this sales order. This will be recorded as COGS in accounting. Note: For eBay orders captured in the system, this field is automatically populated with the fees paid to eBay for the sale on eBay.
- Default Price Book
- Select the PriceBook for this customer - automatically filled when the "Account Name" is selected from Account.
- Status
- Select the Status of the Order, the available states are.
- Created - automatically assigned when a new sales order is created and saved.
- Invoiced - automatically assigned when "Create Invoice" button is clicked on a Sales Order.
- Shipped - can be checked in the "Shipping & Receiving" tab when the order has been shipped.
- Paid - can be checked here under "Sales Order" or under "Accounting > Receivables" when the order has been paid by the customer.
- Completed - automatically assigned once the order has been Shipped and Paid.
- Default Currency
- Automatically populates if default currency is selected in Customer Account, otherwise can be selected for the order. Note: the Default Currency here and the currency in the selected PriceBook for the order must match.
- Exchange Rate
- Displays the rates entered for the Default Currency selection or can be manually entered when creating the sales order.
Shipping Information
- Carrier*
- Select a Shipping Carrier that will be used - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected.
- Shipping Method
- Select a Shipping Method for the selected Shipping Carrier - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected.
- Deliver From*
- Select the Stock Location from which the product will be shipped - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected.
- Ship Q Priority
- Single-Select PickList with Shipping Priority for the Order. The drop-down populates from "Settings > PickList Settings > Edit Sales Order PickList" and can be customized there. The default options are "--None--", "Standard", "Priority" . This field is editable in the Sales Order and visible (not editable) in "Shipping" .
- Backorder Handling
- Preference for handling of Backorders, automatically transferred from setting in Customer Account. The available options are "--None--", "Ship All", "Ship As Available", "Cancel BackOrder Items".
- Packlist Type
- Select a packlist type - "Show Company Details/Logo" OR "Hide Company Details/Logo".
- Amazon Prime Shipping
- This checkbox will be "on" if the sales order is an Amazon Prime order and can be used for Reporting or Custom View filtering (note that this box is checked automatically on Amazon orders only).
Payment Information
- In this panel, the payments received from the customer for this sales order can be recorded.
- The Agiliron system supports the capability for multiple or split payments on an order.
- You can record the
- "Payment Method" and the associated parameters depending on the payment method
- "Amount"
- "Payment Received" date
- The Payment Method types available are populated from "Settings > Payment Methods" and can be customized for your business there.
- Click the "Add Payment" button to add an additional payment to the order.
Address Information
- Bill To, Ship To
- Enter the name of the contact - automatically filled when the "Account Name" and "Contact Name" is selected or can be edited manually.
- Billing Address*, City, State, Code, Country
- Enter the Billing Address of the customer. If a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected.
- Shipping Address*, City, State, Code, Country
- Enter the Shipping Address of the customer. If a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Use this button to copy the "Billing Address" to the "Shipping Address"
- Use this button to copy the "Shipping Address" to the "Billing Address"
Product Information
- Product*
- Select the product by clicking the magnifying glass icon and selecting the product in the dialog that comes up OR
- Begin typing the name or product code of the product and the text field will display a drop-down with products that starts with the partially typed name or product code. Select a product from the drop-down list. As you continue to type the list will refine further filtering the list based on the typed text.
- This field supports auto-complete.
- Notes
- Enter any Notes necessary to be included for this product line item using this text area field.
- Stock/Lot Item
- For Serialized products and Lot products, a Serial Number and Lot Number respectively can be assigned here or during fulfillment in "Shipping & Receiving" .
- Qty in Stock
- Displays the inventory Quantity in Stock for the selected product (at the selected "Deliver From" location above).
- Qty on Order (PO|SO)
- Displays the inventory Quantity on Order (PO - purchases awaiting receiving from vendor, SO - sales orders waiting to be shipped) for the selected product (at the selected "Deliver From" location above).
- Qty*
- Qty of Selected product to be included in this order.
- Unit Cost
- Displays the Unit Cost of the selected product (from "Unit Cost" field in Product definition).
- List Price*
- Displays the price from the selected "Default Pricebook" for the selected product
- Discount (line item)
- Enter a discount on this product for this order - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected
- Total
- Displays the Total amount quoted to the customer for the product
- Discount (order)
- Enter a order discount (applied to the entire order).
- Sub Total
- Displays the order sub total after discounts.
- Shipping
- Enter Shipping cost charged to customer for this order.
- Taxes
- Select the Tax Authority - the sales tax is then automatically calculated based on the tax rate for that Tax Authority. This drop-down list is populated from "Settings > Tax Authority" and the list can be setup there based on the tax jurisdictions that are relevant to your business.
- If using Auto Sales Tax Rates Providers and the connection to your Account there has been setup, please select "Auto-Calculated Avalara" from the drop-down and let the system generate the Sales Tax automatically.
- Grand Total
- The final Sales Order total to customer including shipping and taxes.
Terms and Conditions
- Specify any terms and conditions of sale here - if a default has been set up for the Customer Account, this will automatically be filled when the "Account Name" field is selected.
- Enter any other additional information that should be captured for this sales order.
Special Handling Information
- Instructions for Special Handling of the order, automatically transferred from setting in Customer Account. Displays on packing list as well.
Updated 20 days ago