Account Form Fields
The Account definition form contains many pre-defined fields organized into various buckets, the list of fields (from top to bottom of the form) and their intended use is detailed below - all fields marked with a * are mandatory, and the rest are optional.
Account Information
- Account Name*
- Enter the Account Name
- Phone
- Enter the Account Phone number
- Account Number
- Unique Account Number text field (6-digit number by default but customizable) for Customer Account, auto-generated by the system on addition/import of new account, not editable.
- Website
- Enter the Account website URL
- Fax
- Enter the Account Fax number
- Ticker Symbol
- For a public company enter the stock ticker symbol
- Other Phone
- Enter an alternate phone number
- Enter account email address
- Parent Company*
- Enter Parent Company Account Name if one exists, otherwise select "Self"
- Employees
- Enter the number of employees
- Other Email
- Enter alternate email address
- Ownership
- Enter a note regarding account ownership
- Rating
- Enter a Customer Rating
- Industry
- Select an Industry classification. The drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Account Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- SIC Code
- Enter the SIC Code for this account business
- Select an account Type. The drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Account Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- Annual Revenue
- Enter the business annual revenue.
- Sales Manager
- Single-Select Picklist for the Account, the drop-down populates from "Settings > Users" list
- Assigned To
- Select a user at the company who will be assigned to this Account
- Created Time
- Displays the date/time in which the record was created in the system.
- Modified Time
- Displays the date/time in which the record was modified/changed in the system.
- Sales Area
- Select a Sales Area that is account belongs to. The drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Account Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- Sales person
- Select a Sales Rep/Person that manages this account. The drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Account Picklist" and the list can be customized there.
- Account Status
- Select the status of this account.
- Priority
- Single-Select PickList with Priority of the Customer Account, automatically transferred to Sales Order for this Account. The drop-down populates from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Account Picklist" and the list can be customized there. The default list contains "--None--", "Standard", "Priority" options.
- Allow Select in Channel
- This field is turned off by default. It can be turned on by going to "Settings > Default Organization Fields Access > Account Field Access".
- Allows designation of an account as one that can be selected as "Company" in the WebStore channel when the customers are creating an account in the WebStore. This is applicable only for B2B stores that are servicing a select set of customer accounts and require multiple users from those customer accounts to set up user accounts on the B2B WebStore.
- As an example, if you are selling to employees of select companies and you want to ensure that the users creating accounts select their company this capability ensures that the accounts that are marked will be available for selection as a company in the WebStore.
Accounting Information
- Tax ID
- Enter the Tax ID of the customer. This is particularly applicable for B2B customers where this information may be necessary for tax purposes. This information is automatically captured from B2B WebStore if this field is enabled during customer account creation.
- Reseller ID
- Enter the Reseller ID of the customer. This is particularly applicable for B2B customers where this information may be important for tax purposes in some states. This information is automatically captured from B2B WebStore if this field is enabled during customer account creation.
- Default Tax Authority
- Select the Default Tax Authority that applies to this account based on their geographic location. The tax rate is then automatically applied when a Sales Order is created for this customer.
- Credit Limit
- If you extend credit to this customer account, then specify their "Credit Limit". As the customer places sales orders the "Credit Available" field automatically shows the remaining credit available to the customer based on receivables (orders pending full or partial payments). As the payments are received and orders are marked as paid (full or partial) in the system, the "Credit Available" field will reflect the change. Sales Orders created in the Agiliron system check for credit availability if this field is set and warns if the limit has been exceeded.
- Note: There is no automatic support currently in any of the channels for this capability to enforce this. However, the Developers API can be used to access this information from a remote channel.
- Credit Available
- Not available for editing, automatically populated based on credit limit and receivables.
- Credit Limit Expires
- Allows specification of an expiry date for the credit after which credit will not be extended.
Default Pricing Information
- Price Book*
- Select the default Price Book that applies to this customer Account
- For Sales Orders entered directly into the system, the Price Book is automatically selected when the Account is selected.
- Specials Price Book
- Select the default Specials Price Book that applies to this customer Account
- Default Currency
- Select the default currency that should be used for the customer Account.
- The same currency selected here must also match the currency used in the default PriceBook that has been selected for the customer.
- %Discount
- Enter a default %discount available to this customer
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, a line item discount specified here is automatically entered when the Account is selected.
Default Payment Information
- Payment Method
- Select a default Payment Method for this account
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, the Payment Method selected here is automatically entered when the Account is selected.
- Terms and Conditions
- Select the default Terms and Conditions for this account
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, the Terms and Conditions selected here are automatically entered when the Account is selected.
Default Shipping Information
- Carrier*
- Select the default Shipping Carrier for this account
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, the Carrier selected here is automatically entered when the Account is selected.
- Shipping Method
- Select the default Shipping Method for this account
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, the Shipping Method selected here is automatically entered when the Account is selected.
- Deliver From*
- Select the default delivery location (if your business supports multiple stock locations) for this account
- For Sales Orders entered directly in the system, the Deliver From selected here is automatically entered when the Account is selected.
- Backorder Handling
- Account Preference for the handling of Backorders, automatically transferred to Sales Order, options are "--None--", "Ship All", "Ship As Available", "Cancel BackOrder Items"
- Special Handling
- Instructions for Special Handling of orders from this Account, automatically transferred to Sales Orders for Account
Address Information
- Billing Address, City, State, Code, Country
- Specify the Billing Address for this Account
- Shipping Address, City, State, Code, Country
- Specify the Shipping Address for this Account
>> Copy the Billing Address to Shipping Address
<< Copy the Shipping Address to Billing Address
- Enter any other Description relevant to this Account.
Updated 16 days ago