- The system offers FAQ as a simple but powerful tool for collection of questions and answers that can be used by the support staff in responding to customer requests or complaints.
- You can use this
- as a knowledge base about product, services or processes
- for your employees to be informed about internal business processes
- for your support staff to manage the process for helping customers
- Follow the "New FAQ" link to create a new FAQ.
- The form that comes up includes the necessary fields to create a new ticket as shown below. Most of the fields are self-explanatory and should capture the specifics of the customer issue.
- Use the "Status" and "Category" drop-downs to position the FAQ appropriately. These fields are populated from "Settings > Picklist Settings > Edit Picklist Settings" and this list can be customized there to support the business specific support processes.
- The "Question" and "Answer" field should be used to enter the FAQ information and the "Comment" field can be used to add additional information as necessary.

Updated 16 days ago