- Adding a New Template

Navigate to"Settings > Templates > New Template".

  • Select the "New Template" button.

Enter the following information in the fields provided

  • Folder: Select availability of this template for all users or only for your use (Public vs. Personal).
  • Template Name: Give the template a name.
  • Description (Optional): Describe this template (esp. if being shared with other users).
  • Subject: This will be transferred as the Subject line of the email.
  • Email Body: In the HTML editor, provide the actual content. This can be email text, or tables that include field markers. You can create invoices, work orders, etc from scratch here.

  • Click "Save" when finished.
  • Upon saving, you can click "Edit" to edit the template further, "Cancel'" to return to the template list, "Delete" or select "Duplicate" to clone the template and edit a new version as needed.