- Transaction Notifications - Sales Orders and Quotes
Transaction Notifications - Email Selection - Sales Orders
This set of notifications deals with configuration for Sales Order status notifications in relation to the channels that have been created for the business.
Direct is basically a channel included by default. This refers to the creation of Sales Orders directly in the Agiliron Front-Office (CRM) Orders module.
Whereas Agiliron Solution Suite, allows a business to add and configure multiple sales channels. Any sales channel (except POS channels) added to the Agiliron system will be automatically displayed in this notification panel and will be available for customization.

- In Settings -> Notification Schedulers -> Transaction Notifications - Email Selections, for every channel, Agiliron had provided an edit button (3 horizontal lines), clicking on which customization dialog box will pop up where you need to mention, 'Notification Email From Address'.
- This is basically to send notifications for specific users. If any order-related activity occurs on any sales channel like 'Sales Order Created' or 'Sales Order Shipped', and the respective notification should be sent to a particular person, you can set a notification email address of that person.
Let's understand with an example:
Let's consider the POS OAK sales channel and Sales Order Shipped Notification. To send order shipped notifications to any particular person:
- Click on the Edit button for POS OAK under the Send Order Shipped Notification tab.
- This will bring up a Customization popup dialog named Notification Settings.
- Set the notification email from address (email address of the person to whom the notification needs to be sent).
- You can also make any additional changes you want to the notification content.

- Click on Save.

- Click on the checkbox to turn the notification on.
- You'll notice the Edit button turns green. This is to indicate that the notification email address has been set/changes have been saved.

Note - You can set the notification email address to other sales order related processes too.
Below are the available notifications related to Sales Orders:
- Order Confirmation Notification - To notify when an order is created (either Direct or on receiving it from a Sales Channel).
- Order Shipped Notification - To notify when an order has been shipped (it includes carrier and tracking information).
- Order Change Notification - To notify when any change is made to order (changes can be anything related to carrier, shipping method, address information, product details, T&C, description, special handling).
- Backorder Notification - To notify backorder created (it communicate products that will be shipped now and the products that are backordered and will ship separately).

Transaction Notifications - Email Selection - Quotes
Earlier, Agiliron supported email notifications only for sales orders but now it has also integrated notifications for quotes.
Just like Sales Order, there are a couple of email notifications for the quote as well, which includes:
- Quote Confirmation Notification - To notify when a quote is created.
- Quote Change Notification - To notify when any change is made to a quote.

Follow the same process as shown above for the sales order.
- Click on the Edit button of the sales channel and email notification (related to quote) you want and set notification email address.
- Click on Save.

- Click on the checkbox to turn the notification on.
- You'll notice the Edit button turns green. This is to indicate that the notification email address has been set/changes have been saved.

Transaction Notifications - Email Content Customization
Whether sales orders or quotes, customize the email content and recipients by following the steps below:
Note - The notification message in each case can be modified to fit the business needs.
- In Transaction Notifications - Email Content Customization, click the link, you want.
Let's for example select - "Send Order Shipped Notification".

This will bring up the customization screen as shown below.
- Select the recipients from the ''To'' list for sending notifications.
- Use Ctrl-Click to select multiple recipients.
- Also, you can customize the email content and modify other fields if needed.
- Once done, click on the Save button to save changes.

Check out the demo video
Updated 25 days ago