Creating Quotes
The system supports the creation of quotes for potential or existing customers.
Follow the "New Quote" link to create a new Quote.

This will bring up the following form for entry of the Quote information.
Many of the fields auto-populate with default information from the customer's account. If the default information is not filled out in the Accounts module for the customer, the following will need to be manually selected on the order:
- "Shipping Method" and "Carrier" for shipping purposes.
- "Bill To/Ship To" information.
- "Tax Method" to calculate the correct amount to quote the customer.
Custom Fields can also be added to the Quote if needed. In addition, the custom fields can be transferred to the Sales Order if desired, instructions for that process can be found here.
Product Details - Products can be added to the quote one at a time or in bulk, see this link for information on adding products in bulk.
See the image below for more information about the standard Quote Fields.

Click the "Save" button once all the information has been filled in for the Quote.
Once saved the Quote can be found in the "Quotes" tab on the left menu panel.
This will then display the Quote in the Detailed View (or Read-Only view) as shown in the image below.

Here you can then:
- Edit the quote to make changes.
- Duplicate the quote.
- Delete the quote.
- Generate a PDF of the Quote using the "Export to PDF" button that can be emailed to the customer directly or saved as a file.
- If emailing directly to the customer, the email template that is used can be found in "Settings > Templates > Email Quote". This template can be customized in the HTML editor section of the template (Enterprise and higher editions only).
- To email the PDF file, select "Export to PDF", then select the "Email PDF" button in the pop-up to email the Account and/or related contacts.
- Select the checkbox next to each Contact.
- The "Assigned To" user from the Quote is also displayed as a selection in the Contacts list, check this box to send a copy of the email to the user.
- Enter additional email addresses in the text box if desired. Separate multiple email addresses by a semicolon.
- Click "Email PDF" to email selected recipients.

- Create a Sales Order using the "Create SalesOrder" button. This converts the quote to a sales order than can then be invoiced to the customer.
- Select an alternative template to print/email customers using the "Select Template PDF" button.
- Select a template from the list, using the arrows to scroll through the available templates. Custom templates created under Settings > Templates will appear here for selection. (Template customization available in Enterprise and higher editions only)
- Select Print PDF to print the template.
- Select "Email Template" to email the Account and/or related contacts. Follow the same instructions from above to add email recipients.

- You can also add tasks and events related to the Quote in the "Activities" tab. More information about managing activities can be found here.

Updated 2 months ago